Pain sucks. And yet it is a necessary and invaluable part of our self-regulation, self-correction, and safety mechanisms. Chronic, debilitating, excessive pain REALLY sucks. This type of pain is NOT necessary or valuable; usually it is a sign that something is seriously out of whack. In most cases, you don’t have to “just live with” severe or chronic pain. For more than two decades I have helped my clients with their pain; I’ve got loads of non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical help for pain in my bag of tricks.

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While our culture often is preoccupied with the young and perky, I love working with people in the “second half” of life. In general this population has better attitudes and excellent work ethics; they bring a much deeper level of wisdom and sophistication to healing and self-improvement. It is my great pleasure to help provide new strategies and perspectives to a wide range of conditions that are relevant to those who are 50 & Better.

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It’s a crazy time for human sexuality; there is so much sexual content … and very little sexual substance. We are bombarded by sexual imagery, but it is rare to have a relevant, meaningful conversation about sex. I get to help with such a wide range of sexual topics; from healing sexual violence to internet dating, from re-negotiating family of origin beliefs to helping increase sexual pleasure. It is a great privilege to be able to work with this fundamental aspect of our humanity.

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What makes me a healer?

Doug’s Bio

It has been my experience that, for the most advanced practitioners, treatment regimens emerge from their life experiences and personalities as well as from their training and clinical expertise. The history that follows is relevant because it reveals who I am and how I got here. My story is interspersed with details regarding my credentials and training because both are essential aspects of clinical treatment and the therapeutic relationship.

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“After my sessions with Doug, I now have a greater ability to feel what is going on in my body.  I also have a greater ability work with tension and pain in order to release it on my own.  The treatments that I have received from Doug seemed so subtle during the treatment.  However, they have had profound and permanen… Read More